Heparin Topical

How Heparin Topical works

Heparin Topical works by decreasing inflammation, relieving pain and itching.

Side Effects

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Heparin Topical is used in thrombophlebitis, piles and anal fissure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is heparin a protein, anticoagulant (blood thinner), thrombolytic agent (clot buster), or antiplatelet (antiaggregant)?

Heparin is not a protein, thrombolytic agent, or antiplatelet drug. It is a glycosaminoglycan carbohydrate and used as an anticoagulant

Q. Does heparin affect blood pressure or sleep?

Heparin is not reported to affect blood pressure or sleep. Consult your doctor if you experience such symptoms

Q. Does heparin affect platelets, INR (international normalized ratio), or PTT (partial thromboplastin time)?

Heparin affects INR (used to monitor the effectiveness of the anticoagulant), and PTT (blood test determines the blood clotting time), both of which increase as the ability of blood to clot decreases due to heparin. Heparin may also cause reduced blood platelet count

Q. Is heparin made from pork?

Yes, it is obtained from the intestine of the pig (porcine) or lungs of cattle (bovine), when these animals are slaughtered for meat

Q. Is heparin unfractionated?

There are two forms of heparin used as anti-coagulants; fractionated and low molecular weight heparins. Please see the product leaflet for more information

Q. Is heparin present in human body?

Yes, it is produced in the body by mast cells

Q. Does heparin come in pill form?

No, it is available as gel, ointment, and an injection form.