CMPL1 Cancer marker profile Liver-1 Includes one test
LBILKMRTEPT LKM1 by IFA Liver Kidney Microsomes Reflex to end point titre Includes one test
L1ALCAT1 LC 1 Antibody Liver Cytosolic Antigen Type-1 Includes one test
ALDP3 Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile-3 Includes one test
ALDP49A Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile-4 9 Antigens Includes one test
ALDP5A5MRT Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile-5 Any 5 markers related to Includes one test
ALDP1 Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile-1 Includes one test
CMPL2 Cancer marker profile Liver-2 Includes one test
AAFLFAISS Actitest and Fibrotest Liver fibrosis and inflammation score Serum Includes one test
ANSPAANALD ASH/NASH/STEATO Profile Alcoholic and non Alcoholic liver disease Includes one test