
How Orlistat works

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Side Effects

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Content under review, stay tuned!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is Orlistat available in India?

Orlistat is available in India with the brand names Orlean, Vyfat, Lipocut, Olistat, Obelit, Orlica, Reeshape, Xenical and Zerofat

Q. Is Orlistat safe and effective?

Orlistat is safe and effective if used at prescribed doses for the prescribed duration as advised by your doctor

Q. Is Orlistat available without prescription?

Orlistat as Alli is available without prescription but Xenical is available only with prescription. Always consult your doctor regarding its use

Q. How long can I take Orlistat?

Therapy should not continue for more than 6 months along with diet and exercise. If the patient does not lose weight in 12 weeks he/she should consult the doctor and follow his advice

Q. Can I take Orlistat with anti-depressants, antibiotics, gabapentine, levothyroxine, venlafaxine, metformin, raspberry ketones?

All these drugs are known to have some drug-drug interactions with Orlistat and hence should be taken together only based on doctor's recommendation

Q. Does Orlistat burn existing fat or reduce appetite?

Orlistat prevents absorption of fat from the food in the intestine. It does not burn fat. Orlistat may cause reduction of appetite

Q. Does Orlistat affect the liver or cause cancer?

No studies of Orlistat affecting the liver or causing cancer have been reported.