
How Idoxuridine works

Idoxuridine is an antiviral medication. It prevents the multiplication of the virus in human cells. Thus stops the virus from producing new viruses.

Side Effects

Itching, Inflammation, Pain, Eyelid inflammation


Idoxuridine is used in the treatment of eye infections by Herpes simplex virus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How does Idoxuridine work?

Idoxuridine belongs to a class of medication called nucleoside analogues. It stops the DNA replication and inhibits the virus from multiplying

Q. What is Idoxuridine used for?

Idoxuridine is used to treat viral infections (keratitis) in the eye caused by herpes simplex

Q. Does Idoxuridine need to be refrigerated?

Idoxuridine should be refrigerated but it should not be frozen.