Calcium Carbonate

How Calcium Carbonate works

Calcium Carbonate provides essential nutrients.

Side Effects

Frequent urge to urinate, Belching, Constipation, Dryness in mouth, Loss of appetite, Stomach pain, Stomach upset


Calcium Carbonate is used in the treatment of nutritional deficiencies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is supracal/shelcal 500/cipcal 500?

Shelcal, supracal, cipcal contain calcium carbonate along with vitamin D3

Q. Is calcium carbonate/shelcal 500 chewable?

Yes, however it depends on dosage form available. If it is an oral tablet it has to be swallowed

Q. Is calcium carbonate a metal/ alkali/ base?

No, calcium carbonate is a mineral salt

Q. Does calcium carbonate cause kidney stones?

Calcium carbonate may cause kidney stones if taken at larger dose or for prolonged duration. Always consult your docctor regarding its use.